Blogging my way through wedding planning, crafts, life and all the unexpected events in between.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Whaaat a Weekend

It was a busy one again in the ST. House.  Mr. ST and I are still slowly working on the invites - cut, fold, crease, cut, fold, crease, cut, fold, crease.  It makes my fingers tired just writing it again.  I know these will be well worth it.  They are what we want and we are VERY happy with them.  We have the time - we are going to take advantage of it!

Bridesmaid TBG stopped by on Saturday night to help our with the Cut, Fold, Crease Routine.  We got about 50 pocketfolds done - we also gabbed away for several hours so that's a big accomplishment for us.

I made another crayon monogram for a baby shower.  I love making them.  If any of you lovely readers out there want one - I'd be happy to discuss it with you! Send me an email!

There was beautiful sunset that I saw while walking in the park.

This Giant 2' x 4 ' canvas is getting a make-over.  I found it in the thrift store for only $3.00.  SCORE!

I also want to reach out to any of you crafty ladies (gentlemen?) out there!  A very good Blogging friend, Kira from Her New Leaf is hosting a Craft Challenge!!!  She did another one a while back back and I was SO jealous because I wanted to join in the fun.  So go check this out and send her an email to join !!!

Finally, something to share - I received an email from Diane @ Simply Bridal - an online dress store.
Simply Bridal is an online wedding dress store, selling 100% handmade, customized to fit dresses. They're giving away a free wedding dress every day for a month!

Promotion Details:
-  Enter in Simply Bridal's DAILY Dress Giveaway from Aug 8 - Sept 8 HERE
-  Tell us your Name, Email Address, and Zip Code to Enter - That's All!
-  No purchase is necessary to enter our giveaway!
- Don't forget to 'like' the Facebook page so that you can see who won each week.
More details about our promotion can be found in this press release:

I just wanted to share - I'm going to enter, see what happens.  I'm not being paid for sharing that or getting any compensation for it - I just wanted to see if I could help someone I know win a dress!!

How was your weekend?  Were you busy?  Did you get to relax?  We've got another craft day coming up this week! 


The Vintage Modern Bride said...

first off, i love the pocketfolds! you are talented for attempting those on my own. i don't think i'd be able to figure those out!

also, LOVE the crayon monogram! that's a really cute idea!

Cathy said...

My word, you were busy, Love the crayon monogram.

Anonymous said...

I am still debating with making my own pocketfolds or just ordering them. Busy busy busy!

Anonymous said...

That sunset is spooky--looks like a giant handprint.

Saying I do said...

that crayon monogram is so cute! I wish I had a baby in my life that I could make (or have you make teehee) one for!! But I'll def. keep it in mind for future! Good luck getting all your invites done!

Shoshanah said...

The crayon monogram is absolutely adorable! If I had a baby in my life now, I'd def want to have something like that!