We were both raised Catholic. I went to 13 years of Catholic school (k-12). He went to years of CCD. We figured that natrually we would be expected to get married in a Catholic church and that's what we planned on. We budgeted for about $700-$900. I became a member of the Catholic church over on the island (I am insisting on pictures on the beach). We went a few times to mass there and put in a few envelopes. We are by no means devout Catholics and religion has not played a large part in our relationship. (I'd love to post a picture from my grades school days, but my mom has them all...booo)
Then I began dragging my feet about filling out the application. (my first rant shall be that I have to APPLY to the church to be married. Not like one of those fill this out to get your date kind of papers either. It's an actual - you must APPLY to get married here and we have the right to tell you no - kind of papers. How is an institution that does not know me and my fiance going to deny me the "right" to get married? Mr. ST and I will be together for 8 years by the time we get married. If I don't know everything about him by then, I really doubt some stranger will be able to tell me something new.)
After I fumed for several days about the application I took a peak at the price... are you ready for this? Just to be married in this Catholic Church.... $1500.
If our application was accepted we would need to pay $1500 which would only cover the cost of the organist and "administration duties" so tips were not included. After the normal alter servers, priest/deacon, and musicians got their tips we are looking at around $2000. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. To get married in a Church that I may or not actually want for myself?!?!
I was so scared to tell Mr.ST. I had originally petitioned to get married at the lighthouse. He shot that one down. So our only real option was the Catholic Church. We didn't now anywhere else to go...Would I have to give up something in order to actually get married...?
So I worked up the courage annnnd
Soooo...what to do now?
Oh wow that is much more expensive than I would have expected too! If it is what you really want though, I'd say it's worthwhile (but only you can know that for sure)! Good luck!
WOW that does seem like an awful lot to get married in the church. But I agree with Jenna, if its really what you want and important to both you and Mr. ST then I say go for it. You don't want to end up regretting it if you don't. I think you will make the right decision!!
Man, how much??
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