Blogging my way through wedding planning, crafts, life and all the unexpected events in between.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


ONE YEAR!!!!!!

366 days!!!!!

(I'm know I'm not a math whiz but we, of course, picked a LEAP YEAR to get married.  Yay extra planning time...or not!?!???)

I also want to say thank you to all the wonderful people out there that have helped us this last year with all the planning we have gotten done so far.  It's been a fabulous year and we could not have done it without your help, love, and support.

That includes you, dear reader!! Thank you for listening to me vent, whine, and wax poetic about tulle, shells, and just the right shade of teal. Thank you for all your kind words and comments on posts and for the wonderful friendships that I've been able to start through the great big wide world of blogging. 



Desirée said...

Ha! You're right. We WOULD of course pick Leap Year to get married. I was wondering why it was 366 more days. I can't believe we've made it this far!

The Vintage Modern Bride said...

Oh wow I didn't realize next year was a leap year! PS yay to being only 366 days away!

Saying I do said...

wow, I'm late on this but congrats on being one year away!!