Blogging my way through wedding planning, crafts, life and all the unexpected events in between.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sharing MORE FUN!

Hey! Hey!

I have some more great things to share with you!

I know I'm mean.  I'm not really sharing that, as much as I am bragging about how I spent the day laying on the beach in the sand giving myself a free exfoliation.  I even went in the water up to my ankles.  That's a big step for this early in the summer in the North Atlantic (water temperature was somewhere around 55ish degrees).

Now for the real important things:

Bride on a Budget is giving away a $100 gift certificate to Ann's Bridal Bargains.  I went to the site and there are some A-Mazing deals and steals.  Hop on over to Bride on a Budget to see how many entries you qualify for and enter away!  You know how lucky I am - I'm trying to pass it on to you too!!!

A very good Blogging Bride-to-Be-Friend (<3 <3 <3 <3 ) of mine is also having a giveaway.  Stop on over to Bride-onicles of a Soon to be Bride and enter her first giveaway.  She made this incredible, handmade jewelry pouch  to hold all your jewelry when you travel.  I have entered!  You should too!!!!

There were some great comments on BBQ dishes on this  post.   I'm still looking for more suggestions!  Do you have a great dish for BBQs that always goes fast?  Leave a comment here for me!



Ashley said...

Thanks for blogging about my giveaway! Good luck!

Tiff For Tat said...

Thanks so much for the shout out! You are awesome!! Hope you enjoyed your R & R day at the beach! I am due for one here soon too!! I have a funky corn dip recipe that's real good. I can shoot you over the recipe if you want!!

Cathy said...

Jealous of your free exfoliation, love giving my feet one of those and they could do with one TMI.