Blogging my way through wedding planning, crafts, life and all the unexpected events in between.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fitness Fridays

 So we've already chatted about how much I am NOT in love with runnnnning.  Well I've got to get started with my training program for the 5K in October that Bridesmaids TMG, CV, and I will be doing.  But....
I've got an excuse every day for not going.  The excuses aren't the real issue.  What's at the bottom of bothering me:  my nerves about my injured hip.  I'm not quite sure what to expect most normal days, let alone if I am to start walking/jogging/running three times a week what will end up happening. 

But it cannot stop me anymore.  I am going to post all every most Fridays about my attempts at following the workouts for the week.  So here are the details:

Program: Kiss My Black Ass - Couch to 5K
          *Notes on program: her music is great, she is suuuuuper encouraging, but she uses a program for her voice overs and it makes it sound like a helium sucking chipmunk.  However, the downloads are free and the music is great. (did I say that already?).
5K - Altantic City, October 2011.
Partners: Bridesmaids - TMG and CV. (there is NO way I could do this without them.<3)
Training Route: Around my neighborhood on pavement (yikes) and possibly the gym.

Week One: 5 Minutes warm-up walk, with run/walk intervals.

Week 1 Playlist, Genre; Hip Hop
1. T.I. – Big Shit Poppin’
2. Flo-Rida – Low
3. Kanye West – Stronger
4. Diddy – Come To Me
5. Black Eyed Peas – The Boogie That Be
6. LL Cool J – Headsprung
7. Missy Elliott – Gossip Folks

Wednesday: My first "real" day of an exercise program. 
I died.  Almost literally too.  I made it through to just about the last "run" section and I was wheezing (it sounds like  I am sucking water through mesh into a balloon.  No lie.).... BUT I made it.  My time was not great.  At all, but it was done.

Friday:  Day 2 of Week 1
Not much better than Wednesday.  I tried to decrease my time, but actually added three minutes.  Not sure if it's because I have to cross a major road in our development of not...I'm going to say yes, it was the traffic's fault.

Are you trying to exercise more? Did you make fitness goals with your friends?  It's the only thing keeping me motivated - knowing they are holding me accountable.


The Vintage Modern Bride said...

i applaud your efforts even if you added a little bit more time. just be careful and don't hurt yourself anymore than you are!

Tiff For Tat said...

I am not a big fan of running/working out either but I need to get back on track for my wedding. I also need to tone my arms badly for my dress!! I posted our engagement photos so would love to know what you think!

Hope you had a great weekend!!

Tracy said...

I hate running too. I am so lazy that I walk instead lol. Good luck with your training! It will def be better having your friends involved!

Ms. Lemon Puppy said...

Good luck! I am sure that it was the traffic's fault too.

Mrs Average Bride said...

Ooooo that's no fun. If the hip pain is pretty painful, I would advise to take a break and do another type of exercise. I've been running for a long time and my knees give me a hard time so my doctor told me to stop running. I was pretty sad but she did have a good point about if I wanted to still be able to run in my later years.

What you can do to help: ice 10 minutes and heat 10 minutes, stretch, and build that muscle group around the hip that hurts. That may help strengthen the area a bit and prevent injury.

Good luck!